Helm abnehmenFoto: A. Zelck / DRK e.V.

Red Cross Course for Driving Licenses and Workplace First Aiders

The Red Cross First Aid course is designed for all interested individuals, as no prior knowledge is required. The high number of emergencies in various areas makes it urgently necessary to train as many first aiders as possible. The course complies with the requirements of the Driving License Regulation for all classes of driving licenses.

Topics and Applications

  • Self-protection and securing accidents
  • Assisting in accidents
  • Wound care
  • Life-saving immediate measures such as the recovery position and resuscitation
  • Numerous practical exercise opportunities

"Being able to help correctly - a good feeling!"

This course will make you proficient in first aid and provide you with the confidence to handle almost any emergency in leisure and work.

Kurse & Termine

Keine Ergebnisse gefunden.
Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einem anderen Kurs.

We also conduct in-house courses at your location if you meet the requirements according to BGG 304-001 of the Employers' Liability Insurance Association.

Cost coverage by the Employers' Liability Insurance Association

For first aid training (basic course) as well as for refresher training (first aid training), the Insurance Association often covers the costs. To settle with the Association, please bring the billing form (german) fully filled out in the original on the day of the course (no fax, no email attachment).

Member companies of the following accident insurance carriers must request registration or billing forms/vouchers via the online procedure. If you have any questions, please contact your Employers' Liability Insurance Association.

Food and Hospitality
Billing form of BGN(german)

Health Services and Welfare Work
Billing form of BGW (german)

Federal Authorities and Railways
Billing form of UVB (german)

Accident Insurance Fund for Baden-Württemberg
Billing Form of UKBW (german) 

Notes on handling the form

Use only currently valid forms; if necessary, please contact your insurance association directly. Ensure that the form is fully filled out (participant's name, company address, stamp/signature (original), name of the responsible insurance association, and your membership number. It is mandatory to hand over the original form to the training leader at the beginning of the course. Please do not send us forms by email or fax.

If billing through the BG is not possible, participation is subject to charges.
If the form is not received within 7 days after the course, the company will receive an invoice.
Subsequent rebooking is not possible.

Notes for your stay

We have only a limited number of free parking spaces on-site. Alternative options are the parking garage at the Schwarzwald-Baar-Klinikum or the parking lot at the Holiday Inn. Both alternatives are subject to charges and approximately 5-7 minutes' walk from the German Red Cross center.

Unfortunately, there is no catering available on-site.

Our general terms and conditions (german) apply.
You can find information on data protection in our privacy policy (german).


Ralf Rasokat
Tel: 07721 / 8988 - 26
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 16
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen